Assignment Details

This is a simple practice assignment. There are very few requirements, leaving you complete freedom in how you complete the task. The only requirements are listed below. Once the assignment is complete, create a public git repository, push your changes, and send me the repo link.

Your only goal is to make a small application displaying data from a database. You do not have to include the ability to add new data to the database, but if present, this is a plus. Using backend and frontend frameworks are optional, but it may make this task much easier for you.

🚩 REQUIRED Features

⭐ OPTIONAL Features

💾 Technical Requirements

📝 Tips

🌐 Example

To see an example of what I am looking for, visit You will have to log in (un: admin, pw: password). You DO NOT have to make an application that looks exactly like this, and you DO NOT have you use the same type of data as this example.

This sample application only displays data, but if you choose to go further, you could allow a user to add and edit data as well.